It was 12th May 2024, when I visited the Dhikala Zone of the Jim Corbett National Park again. It was another special trip for me because this time again after two years, I witnessed the Ped Wali Tigress in Dhikala Main Campus, and it was kind of like a reunion. This was yet another special moment for me as it was my Wife’s Birthday, and what better gift to give her than a trip to the wild beautiful jungle of the Jim Corbett National Park Dhikala Zone!
I saw the Ped Wali Tigress again this time near the Ram Ganga River and found her in the original place where I saw her for the first time. River Side seems to be her favourite place. It was a surreal moment for me as only the people in our jeep were lucky to spot them. We stayed at the Gairal Forest Rest House last time I Visited Dhikala, but this time I stayed in the Dhikala Main Campus area. It’s in the central region of the Dhikala Zone and one of the most beautiful places to stay and witness the true beauty of the Jim Corbett Dhikala Tiger Reserve.
Starting with the Early Morning Dhikala Jeep Safari

We started the Jungle Safari of the Dhikala Zone of the Jim Corbett National Park early in the morning just after Dawn and once the sun had risen completely. Although it was a bit cloudy, the silence and the serene beauty all around made the view immensely beautiful to look at. There were lush green trees and grasslands all around and covered with tall mountains behind them. It was one of the most peaceful views one could experience during the morning time while on a jungle safari in Corbett national park.
Our Dhikala Safari guide was also driving the Jeep at a moderate pace so that we could fully enjoy the scenic beauty around. It was a perfect start to my Wife’s Birthday and I couldn’t have hoped for anything better. Experiences transcend far beyond material goods and bringing my wife on this Jim Corbett Trip was my way of thanking her for being in my life!
Anticipation was Building Fast for Reunion with Ped Wali Tigress
As the sun came up and we reached a bit further into our Dhikala Jeep Safari, we got to know from our safari guide that the Ped Wali Tigress had given birth to her cubs also. On hearing that news, my excitement skyrocketed as I was hoping to spot all of them together or maybe at different places. Although I had spotted tigers up close, but never saw tiger cubs. Given how cute and lovely they look; I was hoping for only one thing – to spot the entire family of the Ped Wali Tigress during this visit to Dhikala Jim Corbett.
Spotting Two Wild Elephants Enroute to Spot Ped Wali Tigress

As we continued with our Dhikala Jeep Safari, we came across two elephants who were peacefully grazing at a distance enjoying their day and completing their daily nutritional needs. It was a perfect view to look at – Cloudy sky, beautiful mountains, and scenery behind, green grassland all around. Once we crossed those elephants, we turned towards the Sambar Road where I spotted the Ped Wali Tigress for the first time.
After reaching a kilometer or two, we again spotted a group of elephants peacefully grazing at a distance down the road in the open field. There was an entire group of elephants that we could see including male, female, and baby elephants. The male elephants were grazing and keeping an eye on the entire group while the female elephants were busy taking care of the baby elephants and ensuring that they were well-fed and protected.
Best season for Jim Corbett Trip for an exciting experience.
The winter and summer seasons are the best season for Jim Corbett Trip. As for the weather, the grassland area in which the elephants were grazing was full of grass. But, during the rainy season, this area is filled with water and flooded leaving the elephants no room for grazing and spending time with the group. So, go during summer and winter and you will enjoy the true beauty of the Jim Corbett National Park.
Approaching the Ram Ganga River
As we continued with our Dhikala Jeep Safari Trip, an hour passed by and we finally approached the Ram Ganga River. The sun had also come up fully and was shining bright. It was completely sunny and the weather was hot. Perfect for increasing the probability of spotting the Ped Wali Tigress in the open.
I moved towards the same spot where I spotted the Ped Wali Tigress in Dhikala Main Campus last time I was here. I was very hopeful, excited, and positive that today I might spot her again. As we were approaching the spot where I spotted her for the first time, excitement was running wild in each one of us. My wife especially was more excited and happier that she was going to get one of the best birthday gifts.
Spotting the Ped Wali Tigress in Dhikala Jim Corbett Once Again

As we continued, our Dhikala Safari guide pointed at a far distance on the other bank of the Ram Ganga River and shouted – “There goes the Ped Wali Tigress!”
We all became excited and pulled out our binoculars and what we saw next was beyond excitement. We could see the Ped Wali Tigress with our binoculars completely, and fairly far away with the distant eye. But it was visible.
We could see the Ped Wali Tigress and all of us burst out in happiness together. Once she came close to the river bank, we could all see her clearly without binoculars. She appeared to be a little weaker since we got to know that she had given birth to her cubs. It seemed like she came to the river bank to cool down and drink water and her cubs were left behind somewhere safe. It was scorching hot weather in May, and we could see the Ped Wali Tigress exhausted from the heat and trying her best to cool off.
She seemed to be on the way to hunt for food and there was no one in that area around. We were the only jeep in that area that spotted the Ped Wali Tigress. So, we took our time and stayed there for quite some time to enjoy the beautiful views of the Ped Wali Tigress.
We were really surprised this time to spot the tigress.
Usually what happens is that you end up spotting a tiger for a couple of seconds or minutes. But this time, we saw her right in front of our eyes and we enjoyed it for a good 20 to 30 minutes.
As she approached the water, she immersed herself in the river and sat there for some time. She drank water from the river to calm down her thirst and stayed there for a good amount of time. We were amazed to see this view yet were feeling bad as these wild animals had to go through such harsh weather and endure the painful heat of the summers.
Quick Fact about tigers – they can gulp around 25-30 liters of water in a day given their immense body size and hydration requirements to stay active and well-functioning.
But then, Something More Interesting Happened – We spotted an Elephant

As we continued enjoying the sight of Ped Wali Tigress in her personal space near the bank of the Ram Ganga River, we witnessed something amazing. Something that has never happened before us and usually is a very rare occurrence in the wild Jungles of Jim Corbett National Park Dhikala Zone. We saw an elephant approaching the Ram Ganga River and was just a couple of feet away from the tigress. A tiger and elephant in one frame – now that’s a rarity. The elephant was approaching the river to drink water because it was quite hot during that day as it was the month of May, and summers run quite hot during this time of the year in North India.
Then we saw the Ped Wali Tigress crossing the river and approaching our side of the river bank area. Seems like she was approaching her original spot where she stays usually and might have kept her cubs for safety. We started following her without getting too close to see where she would lead us. We were following her relentlessly to get some of the better views of Tiger spotting but were following all the rules and regulations mentioned by our Dhikala Jeep Safari guide.
Our Jeep and Ped Wali Tigress Came Very Close at the Crossroads
We were following the ped wali tigress and trying to get a glimpse into her trail in the forest. We reached a cross-road area where she was right in front of us just a few feet apart. Maybe 15 or 20 feet. That time, I felt as if the tigress was trying to tell us something. That the jungles belong to her and we are just guests in her home. She appeared to be a little weaker than the last time I saw her in 2022. Still her attitude was the same as she continued her hunt for food. She then disappeared into the dense forests. We then on our side of the road hoping to spot her again at a distance.
As we reached a bit further towards our designated road, we saw the Ped Wali tigress again. She was coming out of the dense forests and crossing our road at a distance. This Jim Corbett Trip was turning out to be more than what I expected. That’s because I continued chasing her and every time ended up spotting her. Not once, but multiple times during this entire safari journey. Spotting a tigress like her in such clear weather is a game of pure luck and persistence. Luckily we had luck on our side that day. That’s because it’s extremely rare to spot the same tigress multiple times during the Jim Corbett National Park Jungle Safari. That too at multiple points in your journey on the off-roads of the Dhikala Zone. We kept looking at her until she disappeared into the forests.
Ending the Safari in the Hope to Spot Cubs of Ped Wali Tigress

As we approached the end of our Dhikala Jeep Safari, we were hoping for one last thing. To spot the cubs of Ped Wali Tigress. This would have made our Jim Corbett trip complete. As our guide continued driving the jeep on the roads of the Dhikala Zone, the sun was also approaching dusk. The light rays were getting lighter. We entered a forest area where there were really large trees all around. Our road passed in between the jungle.
After we reached a bit further, I spotted something moving at a distance. Leaves were lying all around and upon careful examination, I saw a tiger cub. Immediately I understood that it belonged to the Ped Wali Tigress. It appeared to be 8 to 9 months old and was adorable. I was just unable to believe my luck that day. How lucky I was to spot the Ped Wali Tigress and her Cub during the same Dhikala safari trip.
My wife on the other hand was out of words as she had so many tiger sightings since morning. She was unable to believe her luck. This was one of the best birthday gifts one could ever get. We stayed there for a while until the cub disappeared from our sight. Then, we moved towards the end of our safari. We finally reached the Gairal Forest Rest House where we were staying. We ended the Dhikala Safari with lots of lovely memories and unforgettable experiences. These we will cherish for the rest of our lives.
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