Tiger Attack in Ramnagar in Nainital District of Uttarakhand on 7th December 2024 led to panic among residents. This is due to the killing of a 32-year-old woman named Anita Devi by the ferocious tiger. This is the second incident of Tiger Attack in Ramnagar region and people are now fearful to step out of the house. The female victim was caught in this tiger attack in Sanwalde East Beat under the Dhela Range of Corbett Tiger Reserve. There is high anguish amongst the villagers and local residents around the area due to this tiger attack.
Key Details Pertaining to this Tiger Attack in Ramnagar
The victim hailed from the Kargil Patrani Village and went to the forest along with two other women to collect wood. Out of the blue, a tiger stacked Anita and dragged her to the dense forests. The other two women managed to get away from there and informed the local residents, Anita’s family, and forest officials.
Two hours after this Tiger Attack in Ramnagar, forest officials and villager residents started looking for Anita’s body and after extensive searching found her in a bloody condition. She had died by the time local authorities brought her to the nearest government hospital.
Following this incident, the SDO of the region has increased the patrolling of the forest officials in the region, and the villagers are directed not to go to the forests alone. The designated veterinary doctors took blood samples of the tiger from her body for further inspection and investigation. Earlier, the authorities caught two tigers and sent them to the rescue centers. But following this incident, the demand rose for catching this tiger also but even the rescue centers were running out of space.
Moreover, many tigers are found in the Ramnagar area and it’s a proud feeling for the residents. However recent incidents of tiger attacks in Ramnagar created fear among the locals who are afraid to step out.
(Source: ABP LIVE )
Tiger Attack in Ramnagar: What Does this Incident Convey?
These types of incidents convey a couple of things. Every resident who resides near these wildlife park areas or budding wildlife enthusiasts must know them. Often people living in these wildlife zones or near them come in close contact with wild animals. This majority of the time lead to the unfortunate killing of the person by the wild animal.
Top 3 Changes to Implement Post This Tiger Attack in Ramnagar
So, the first thing to implement post this tiger attack in Ramnagar is that –
Some sort of sustainable method of providing livelihood options must be curated by either the local administration authorities or state government. This will provide uninterrupted access to basic necessities to the local villagers residing in these wildlife zones or near them.
There is also a significant need for local governing bodies to arrange for alternate fuel sources for the winters. These villagers often rely on wood which they procure from these forests and this is one of the major causes of accidents. Often they come near these wild animals and this leads to injury and death in most cases.
Last but not least,
The forest department needs to spread awareness amongst the local villagers. That should be about better forest access and management pertaining to Jim Corbett National Park in winters. This is the peak time when these wild animals are most active during the day due to warmer temperatures. So, the forest authorities should establish some sort of navigation route and share it with the local villagers that they can follow to navigate these jungles and stay alert to avoid any contact with these wild animals.
These are some of the measures that authorities can follow to better the lives of the local villagers residing in the areas near the Jim Corbett National Park and in the buffer zones which are most prone to wild animal attacks. It’s highly essential to focus on this post the recent tiger attack in Ramnagar.
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